As a wise cabaret emcee once said, money makes the world go around. It's one of the only things we all have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. We will all be born, we will all spend money, and we will all die. That's kind of a grim prognosis for life, but think of all the great things that come with money! We get it, we spend $200 of it on basketball tickets for the chance to see your team win the championship for the first time, and then you eat butter noodles for the next week. Money is difficult to come by but even more difficult to hold onto once you've got it. My heart breaks every time I stash a couple of hundred bucks into my savings account, but it must be done. If you've got 99 problems and a buck is about 30 of them, these money memes won't cost you a dime.