When you grow up with siblings, it's difficult to refrain from participating in the unavoidable favoritism contest.
Many parents often set a toxic precedent early in their children's lives that makes them feel like they're less than them because they lack the traits their siblings possess. As a result, it's even more difficult not to feel like you're always in last place. Forgiving this type of behavior from a parent is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary for your peace of mind.
Even when you manage to get away from the toxicity, it has a funny way of finding you again. The woman in this next story was neglected by her mother for most of her life. Now that her mother is getting a bit older, the woman is expected to be her mother's primary caregiver. Fortunately, the woman decides to nip that expectation in the bud — but her siblings disagree with her decision. Instead of giving in, she puts her foot down once more to send a message.
Many parents often set a toxic precedent early in their children's lives that makes them feel like they're less than them because they lack the traits their siblings possess. As a result, it's even more difficult not to feel like you're always in last place. Forgiving this type of behavior from a parent is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary for your peace of mind.
Even when you manage to get away from the toxicity, it has a funny way of finding you again. The woman in this next story was neglected by her mother for most of her life. Now that her mother is getting a bit older, the woman is expected to be her mother's primary caregiver. Fortunately, the woman decides to nip that expectation in the bud — but her siblings disagree with her decision. Instead of giving in, she puts her foot down once more to send a message.